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Best in Class Award 2015

April 2016

International College wins Best in Class Award at 2015 Interactive Media Awards (IMA)


HKU SPACE International College (IC) has been awarded outstanding achievement – “Best in Class” Award in the College Category in the Interactive Media Awards among 65 entries submitted in the 'College' category in 2015. 

The IMA Best in Class Award is the highest honour given to outstanding websites that meet strict guidelines under various criteria, including design, usability, innovation in technical features, standard compliance and content. Scoring 485 out of a total of 500, the IC website obtained full marks for both 'Content' and 'Feature Functionality', and over 90 for 'Design', 'Usability' and 'Standards Compliance'.  

Since the revamp of the IC's website in December 2015, the overall user experience has been improved, along with major enhancements in design, look and feel, navigation and functionalities. The IC website will continue to serve as an important communication channel that bridges the College and our prospective students, the alumni and the public.