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Student Activities

Cancelled - Expanding Horizon Series 3 – Arts Therapy Workshop 藝術治療工作坊
20 Feb 2020 SHARE


The activity will be cancelled, thank you very much for your support


曾幾何時,你我都曾被一幅畫、一首歌、一支舞,一首詩詞,甚至一部電影所觸動。原來藝術除了是一種興趣之外,也有舒援壓力的作用。IC 誠邀香港創意藝術治療中心何顯斌導師為同學介紹藝術治療的概念和方法。透過本次的藝術治療工作坊,同學可以學習從藝術創作過程中,一筆、一劃地重新認識自己,宣洩自己的情感,從而達自心理治療的效果。相信同學必定能夠在過程中有所得著,並找出解難的新方法!

Have you ever touched by a picture, a song, a dance, a poem, or even a movie? 

IC invites Mr. Pan Ho, from the Institute for Creative Arts Therapy (HK) to introduce the principles and methods of art therapy to students. During the workshop, students will experience creative arts (music combined with visual arts) in a group. Mr. Ho will teach you how to use distinct arts-based methods for the purpose of managing mental illness and optimizing emotional growth and healing.


