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Checklist (Undergraduate Programmes)

1. Submission of Supporting Documents

Certified true copies of the supporting documents are required. Applicants should submit one set of photocopies AND bring along the original documents for verification, at any of the HKU SPACE Enrolment Centres (see below).

Required supporting documents include:

 a) HKID card (for local applicants) or passport/travel documents (for non-local applicants); and

 b) Academic transcripts and award certificates proving the academic qualifications achieved; and

 c) Certificate/Proof of English proficiency from recognised public examinations/English tests (e.g. HKDSE/HKCEE/HKALE/IELTS/TOEFL).

 d) For DSE graduates: Secondary School Academic Report (S.4, S.5, S.6) is required in addition.

Note: Applicants who cannot present the above-mentioned documents upon submission of the application form are required to submit all the outstanding documents within 5 working days to any of the HKU SPACE Enrolment Centres. Applicants who fail to submit the additional application form (if applicable) or supporting documents will result in delay of their application processing and result announcement.

2. Additional Application Form for Specific Universities

Applicants of the following programmes will be required to submit the respective university's application form. Please submit the additional form(s) along with your supporting documents to any of the HKU SPACE Enrolment Centres, within 5 working days

Middlesex University London's Application Form is required for applicants of:

  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Graphic Design
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Interior Architecture

University of Hull's Application Form is required for applicants of:

  • Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Marketing
  • Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Marketing and Management

University of London Programmes' Application Form is required for applicants of: 

  • BSc Accounting and Finance
  • BSc Finance
  • BSc Business and Management
  • BSc Economic and Management

Notes: Shortlisted applicants of University of London Programmes will be requested to pay the University of London a non-refundable Application Handling Fee of £65, which is reviewed annually and is subject to change without prior notice. 

download forms  

3. Change of Information

Each applicant should submit application once. If you wish to amend any information or change your indicated choice after submission of the application form, please submit an email request to the College at You should state your full-name, HKID no. and new choice(s) of programme(s) in the email. Telephone or face-to-face notification will not be accepted.

4. Contact IC

After you submit the application, you will receive an acknowledgement e-mail within three weeks after your submission. If you do not receive further notice from IC one month after your application, please check with the relevant programme administrator. For general information or assistance, you may contact IC general office at 2910 7555 or e-mail to

5. Notes to Applicants

  1. Fees paid are neither refundable nor transferable. However, if an applicant of undergraduate programmes obtains a UGC-funded place in a full-time degree programme from a UGC-funded institution in Hong Kong, IC will make full refund of the tuition fee paid upon request:
    a. The request for refund must be made in writing to the Administrative Officer of IC before the commencement of the relevant programme.
    b. The refund process may take up to two months after the submission of the written request.
    c. The application fee is not refundable.
    d. Where a refund is approved, fees paid by cash, EPS or cheque will normally be reimbursed by a cheque, and fees paid by credit card will normally be reimbursed to the payment cardholder’s credit card account. Applicant will be asked to confirm the refund details in case the account payee and mailing address (for cheque refund) / cardholder (for credit card refund) is not the applicant himself.
  2. Receipts will be issued for fees paid but HKU SPACE will not be responsible for any loss of receipt sent by mail. The receipt(s) is not a guarantee that your application is successful.

6. Additional Notes to Non-Hong Kong Resident Applicants

To study in Hong Kong, all non-local applicants are required to obtain a student visa issued by the Immigration Department of the HKSAR Government, except for those admitted to Hong Kong as dependants, who do not need prior approval before taking up full-time and part-time studies. Non-local applicants issued with a valid employment visa also do not need prior approval to pursue part-time studies. It is the responsibility of individual applicants to make appropriate visa arrangements. Admission to a HKU SPACE academic programme/course does not guarantee the issue of a student visa. Applicants may wish to note that part-time courses are not considered by the Immigration Department for visa purposes except for self-financed, part-time locally accredited taught postgraduate programmes awarded within the HKU system through HKU SPACE.