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Overseas Learning Opportunities

HKU SPACE International College (IC) offers full-time degree programmes in collaboration with world-class universities in the UK and Australia. To make our students’ learning experience truly international and to broaden their horizon, a wide array of overseas learning programmes are in place.

  • On Campus Transfer*

    Selected students can choose to study one semester or even a year at the home campus, with all credits counted towards their qualifications. 

    University of the Arts London (UAL)

    University of Art London


    Students enrolled in the following programme will be eligible to apply for transfer to London College of Communication (LCC) campus of UAL in their final year study. 

    University of Plymouth


    Swinburne University of Technology 


    Students can go to the Swinburne University of Technology campus in Melbourne to study after the completion of the first semester of study in Hong Kong.


    Alumni Sharing

    2016 Graduate - Jacky Chiang 2017 Graduate - Carol Lau



    "This programme gave me opportunities to develop my interest and find my goal.  The on-campus transfer to Perth further enriched my university life. The precious moments with my international classmates will never be forgotten."




    "The Edinburgh Napier University and HKU SPACE IC provided me with the opportunity to study abroad. I have experienced unforgettable moments during my time in Edinburgh and I will treasure for life. I was given the chance to communicate with students from different countries."

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    * International students’ tuition fees may apply. 
  • Study Tours

    Study tours are organised for students to visit their home campus for 1-2 weeks during the semester break. Prospective students from CC and HPSHCC AD/HD programmes are also welcomed.

    University of Northumbria at Newcastle 



    Students enrolled in the following programmes will be eligible to apply for study tour to the UK. They will visit the University of Northumbria at Newcastle, elite athlete training facilities, internationally well-known football stadiums and enjoy sports and recreation activities.

    Sport Study Trip 2016
    UNN Study Trip 2016 UNN Study Trip 02 UNN Study Tour 03
    View Album


    Swinburne University of Technology 



    Students will have the opportunity to experience the Trial Instructional Flight in Melbourne Australia. Students can also attend lectures in the Swinburne University of Technology as well as visiting to local aviation organisations, such as airline training centres or domestic airports. This study trip is optional and extra costs are required in addition to the programme’s tuition fee.

    Aviation Study Trip 2018
    Trial Instructional Flight at CAE Oxford Aviation Academy
    Trial Instructional Flight Trial Instructional Flight at CAE Oxford Aviation Academy Trial Instructional Flight
    Visit to QANTAS Flight Training Centre Visit to Avalon Airport
    Visit to QANTAS Flight Training Centre Visit to Avalon Airport Visit to Avalon Airport
    Lectures at Swinburne University of Technology
    Lecture at Swinburne Lecture at Swinburne Lecture at Swinburne
  • Summer Study Programmes

    3-4 week summer school courses are available for students in July/August every year. Selected students will gain valuable opportunities to experience campus life at selected partner universities.

    CSM London Summer Study Programme

    This programme provides a valuable opportunity for students to enroll in a short course in Central Saint Martins College of Arts and Design (CSM), one of the world's leading institutes for arts and design education with 150 years of history.

    2018 2017 2016
    Summer Study tour in london 2018 london 2017 london 2016
    View Album View Album View Album


    Plymouth Summer School 

    Plymouth Campus


    Students enrolled in the following programmes will have a valuable opportunity to take part in the Summer School course organised by University of Plymouth for two or four weeks in July/ August.  

    2016 2014
    p Plymouth 2014
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Unless stated otherwise, the degree programmes are exempted courses under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance. It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any qualification to which these courses may lead.