Student Activities
Macrame is a kind of handicraft that uses knotting techniques to create decorative textiles. It is believed that it was originated from the 13th-century Arab weavers. It was then being introduced to Europe and became a popular handcraft in Victorian England where various kinds of decorations had been created.
In this workshop, you will learn to make Macrame in a mindful way! It enables you not only letting go of distracting thoughts to relax your mind but also having fun and healing experience at the same time.
Activity rundown:
1. Introduction of mindfulness & mindful breathing experience
2. Learning macrame techniques & making macrame accessory
3. Mindful breathing & Conclusion
Enroll at Learner Portal now! (first come, first served)
在這個工作坊, 你可以學習編織同時修練靈性。當專注編織繩結時,可讓我們安靜下來,放下雜念,從而放鬆心神,享受編織的樂趣及療癒的時光。
1. 靜觀簡介及靜觀呼吸體驗
2. 學習編織技巧並編織繩結飾物
3. 靜觀呼吸及總結
同學可於Learner Portal 報名。 (先到先得)