Student Activities
IC 誠邀香港大學李嘉誠醫學院名譽臨床助理教授 - 莊勁怡醫生為同學解說抑鬱症,從醫學角度出發了解抑鬱症的成因及症狀,更會與大家分享一些個案例子,以及介紹治療抑鬱症的方法。
Depression is a very common mental illness that can affect anyone, men and women. It is more than feeling blue or down for a few days, but a longer-lasting condition associated with significant disablement in daily life.
IC invites Dr. Chong King Yee, a specialist in Psychiatry, to conduct a seminar on Depression for all teachers and students. Dr. Chong will share about the causes, symptoms and warning signs for Depression from medical view. Besides, some cases will be discussed. Students will be able to know more about mental health problems during the seminar.
Dr. Chong graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2002. She had received broad psychiatric training form both University Hospitals. She was trained in Child and Adolescent Psychiatric team in Queen Mary Hospital and also trained in the Psychogeriatric Team in Kowloon Hospital. Dr. Chong believes education is important for the mental well-being of all ages. She is now teaching medical students at the University of Hong Kong as Honorary Clinical Assistant Professor.
報名方法: 同學可於 Learner Portal 或IC counter 報名
Registration: Student can register on Learner Portal or at IC counter.