Student Activities
Is your timetable filled with assignments and group projects? IC will hold Lunch Yoga on 2 consecutive Thursdays in November. Student can do yoga during lunch time and relax yourself. We will practice different yoga poses in each class, such as Sun Salutations for students to stretch and relax!
Don’t worry if you have not practiced yoga before. This is a beginner class, so you can definitely keep up during the lesson! Male and female students of all ages are welcome to join!
Free sandwich will be provided for students after each session! Sign up at the Learner Portal now to begin a journey to connect your mind and body!
同學的時間表是否已充斥着assignment, group project 等等呢? IC 將於11月一連2個星期舉辦Lunch Yoga。 同學可以趁lunch time做瑜伽放鬆一下身心!每堂我們都會練習不同的瑜伽動作,如拜日式等,讓同學拉筋放鬆!
同學完成每堂均獲得三文治作午餐! 同學快快到Learner Portal報名,踏上尋找自己身心靈的旅程啦!