Student Activities
ICSU OCamp 2017
9-11 Sep 2017 SHARE
ICSU 為新同學度身訂造了一個難忘的O Camp。IC 新生可藉此機會認識到來自不同學科的同學,一起快樂地度過2日1夜,留下美好回憶。
切勿錯過O Camp重頭戲-- 營火晚會!一起盡情投入大學生活!有關活動詳情及報名方法,請留意SU海報。
Want to make new friends from different programmes? Want to have some wonderful memories in your university life? ICSU has prepared an unforgettable O Camp in 2 days 1 night for our new students. One of the highlight event will be Camp Fire!
Don’t want to miss the fun? Register now! For details and the application method, please refer to the poster.