Student & Alumni Sharing
WONG Ka Hing, Coco
- Advanced Diploma in Fitness and Exercise Studies with Distinction HKU SPACE (2017-2019)
- Mus-Fit Ambassador, HK Jockey ClubxHKBUxCUHK (2019)
- Certification of Senior Fitness Specialist, NASM (2019)
- Bachelor of Science with First Class Honours in Sport Coaching (2019-2021)
- Certified Personal Trainer, NASM (2021)
- Stretching Instructor, HK Stretching Exercise Association (2021)
- Founder of 50+ Exercise Buddy Fitness and Wellness (2021)

It was an enlightening journey filled with challenges and excitements, the knowledge and experiences from the programmes provided me a strong foundation in developing my business “50+ Exercise Buddy”. I have experienced supports from all levels, my lecturers demonstrated how quality of teaching can make a difference in learning whilst administration staff were helpful. I was most grateful to receive Outstanding Performance Scholarship for 2 consecutive years.