Student & Alumni Sharing
Jimmy CHU
- Higher Diploma in Sport and Recreation Management, HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Community College (2013-15)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Sport Development with Coaching (2015-17)
- University of Northumbria at Newcastle Scholarship (2015)
- Outdoor Instructor, Wong Siu Sang Leadership Training Institute, Scout Association of Hong Kong (2017- )

I loved sport very much since I was a child. I decided to study a sport-related programme during my DSE study. I was lucky to be accepted and study the Higher Diploma in Sport and Recreation Management in HPSHCC. I worked very hard for all assessments and finally got an outstanding CGPA (3.68 out of 4.00) to prepare myself for an undergraduate degree study. When searching for a degree study which allowed me to experience an overseas curriculum in Hong Kong, I had no reservation to choose the BA (Hons) Sport Development with Coaching of the University of Northumbria at Newcastle because of its uniqueness of the programme and international exposure. I learnt a lot about sport coaching psychology, sport equity issues and strategically how to promote a sport to the community. Of all subjects, I found the work placement extremely useful to enhance my employability. It allowed me to gain real working experience in the sport industry and reach a potential employer during my study. The organization I worked for in my placement is exactly the one I am working with now. I have been employed soon after I finished my undergraduate degree study. This BA (Hons) Sport Development with Coaching programme has opened up a lot of opportunity for me and for my future. I would like to thank you HKU SPACE for all the learning support and facilitation provided. I strongly recommend this undergraduate degree programme to all potential students.