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Undergraduate Programmes

Marketing Management

Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Marketing and Management


Course Code: 2345-DP072A (CE 68-835-00/51)
QF Level
  • QF Level: 5 QR Registration No.: 15/002105/L5 Validity Period: 01/09/2015 to 31/08/2029
Continuing Education Fund Reimbursable Course

Continuing Education Fund Reimbursable Course (selected modules only)
Some modules of this course have been included in the list of reimbursable courses under the Continuing Education Fund.

Ms Abbey Tsui
T: 2867 8325




Programme Overview

This programme is designed for those wishing to pursue a range of careers in the private and public sectors.

The Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Marketing and Management programme aims to provide students with a thorough knowledge and understanding of both the philosophy and functions of marketing. It also aims to help students acquire up-to-date management practice and experience, develop core marketing and management skills such as designing market strategy and developing persuasive communications.

This programme balances academic knowledge and vocational skills with a broad-base training to prepare students to work within a wide variety of organisations in both business and non-profit contexts. The programme also aims to equip students with generic competencies which are applicable in the work place and transferable between jobs that are highly valued by employers. For example, on completion of the course, students will be able to formulate and solve business problems, analyse information, think critically, communicate effectively and possess a range of interpersonal skills.




Programme Highlights

Programme Highlight

University of Hull

University of Hull

Established in 1927, the University of Hull encompasses world-class teaching, research, impressive facilities, and a strong support network for more than 16,000 students.

Independent surveys have repeatedly shown that our undergraduates are some of the most satisfied students in the UK, who enjoy the sense of community on our attractive 125-acre campus. We were awarded 5 stars for teaching, employability and facilities by world university ranking experts QS. And the most recent Research Excellence Framework named us among the UK’s top 50 universities for research power.

Hull University Business School aacsb  amba

Hull University Business School offers a wealth of opportunities to pursue undergraduate and postgraduate study and research, all designed to enhance your professional or academic development. Our degrees all build a strong understanding of the complexities of the global business environment to help you develop into a responsible, resourceful business leader.

Recognition from two of the leading global accreditation systems for business schools (AACSB and AMBA) has confirmed our status as a leading business school. AACSB accreditation is an internationally recognised accreditation specialised for business schools, and is held by less than 5% of the world’s 13,000 business programmes. This places us in a select group of UK business schools, assures students of our commitment to providing an outstanding experience and further enhances the value of their degree in the global employment market. In the most recent Research Excellence Framework (REF), a nationwide assessment of research at universities, named Hull University Business School among the UK’s top 50 universities for research power (research quality x number of staff submitted). It is also ranked 47th in the subject area of Business, Management and Marketing in the Guardian University League Table 2023 and 37th in the list by the Center for World University Rankings (CWUR) in 2022/23. 

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赫爾大學商學院提供多個學士、碩士與研究生課程,為學員提供專業或學術發展的途徑。商學院享負盛名,同時獲得兩項國際權威認證(AACSB及AMBA)。其中,AACSB 是一項專門為商學院而設的認證,全球13,000個工商課程中僅少於5%課程獲得此項認證;說明赫爾大學商學院持續為高等育的質量提供保證,以及不斷提升其學位在國際就業市場的價值。英國卓越研究框架(REF)一項針對大學研究的全國性評估,赫爾大學商學院被評為英國研究能力排名前50的大學 (研究質量 x 提交的人員數量)。還在2023年衛報大學排行榜中的商業、管理和營銷學科領域排名第47位,在2022/23年世界大學排名中心 (CWUR) 的榜單中排名第37位。

Welcome Message

Professor Stephen Hardy
Professor Stephen Hardy
Dean, Hull University Business School

A warm welcome to the Faculty of business, Law and Politics at the University of Hull. I am Professor Stephen Hardy, the Dean of the Faculty of Business, law and Politics. We are proud to welcome you to joining our course and more importantly we look forward to working with you during your time with us.

As a faculty, we offer many opportunities as a double accredited crown business school, as a global law school, and as a connected impactful school of politics. But as part of our proud partnership with HKU SPACE, we’re especially proud to welcome to a cutting-edge leading business school known as HUBS, Hull University Business School. Whether you’re joining us to study marketing management, or accountancy or a combination of any of those, we offer you unique opportunity to do some authentic business learning as well as a unique opportunity to further your skills and prepare yourself for career ahead and throughout this journey with us, we’re here to support you. So, at the beginning of your course, we welcome you! We look forward to meeting with you, we look forward to working with you and we look forward to celebrating your success at the end of your journey with us. In the meantime, be ready to join us, be open to ideas and get ready to explore the exiting opportunities that we have awaiting you in your important journey with us here. So, we wish you well and we look forward to seeing you soon!

Professor Stephen Hardy
Dean of Faculty of Business Law and Politics, University of Hull


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Continuing Education Fund Reimbursable Course Some modules of this course have been included in the list of reimbursable courses under the Continuing Education Fund.

This course is recognised under the Qualifications Framework (QF Level 5).

This is an exempted course under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance. It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any qualification to which this course may lead.