28 Oct 2022
Expanding Horizon Series #2 – Alumni Sharing 校友分享會
【劇透‧游戲‧人生:師姐的Trial & Error故事分享】 人生就是不斷重覆嘗試﹑失敗﹑嘗試﹑失敗﹑嘗試﹑失敗⋯⋯你曾經有以下想法嗎? 「吓,失敗咗好樣衰架喎,會俾人笑!」 「嗯⋯好怕去嘗試⋯都係留喺舒適圈最好。」 「唔去試就唔會輸啦~」 如果因為失敗而害怕嘗試,這樣過的人生就是無悔嗎? IC在十月尾邀請了CC校友胡津如女士(Ms. Jeannie Wu)來為同學分享她讀書和工作時遇到的經歷。她還會透過遊戲讓大家了解這刻你認為最需要和最珍惜的東西,也會教大家爭取的方法。 Jeannie作為資深藝術顧問,擁有多年藝術行政管理和節目統籌的專業經驗,現時亦於HKU SPACE管理不同的藝術課程,教育有意投身藝術界的人士,希望藉此擴展本地藝術圈網絡,推廣藝術文化。 想了解師姐的經歷和一起玩遊戲,立即登入Learner Portal報名啦!
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30 Oct 2019
Expanding Horizon Series 2 – Seminar on Depression 能「鬱」能「呻」
抑鬱症,可以說是一種普遍的都市病。任何人無論男或女,都有可能患上抑鬱症。由於症狀可能在不知不覺間出現及慢慢惡化,患者很多時候都並沒有留意,又或試圖以其他方法麻醉自己,結果適得其反。 IC 誠邀香港大學李嘉誠醫學院名譽臨床助理教授 - 莊勁怡醫生為同學解說抑鬱症,從醫學角度出發了解抑鬱症的成因及症狀,更會與大家分享一些個案例子,以及介紹治療抑鬱症的方法。
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30 Mar 2016
SDCS Career Talk : Hang Seng Bank
各位同學有否想投身入銀行工作? 恆生銀行於3月30日下午3:30-5:00在金鐘海富中心3樓舉行Career Talk,有興趣同學可於3月28日前報名。 詳情:http://cc.hkuspace.hku.hk/~sdcs 查詢:3762 2011
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15 Mar 2016
SDCS Career Talk : Cathy Pacific - Cadet Pilot Programme
各位同學有否想成為機艙服務員或投身機場地勤工作? 國泰航空於3月15日下午3:30-5:00在金鐘海富中心2樓舉行Career Talk,有興趣同學可於3月13日前報名。 詳情:http://cc.hkuspace.hku.hk/~sdcs
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2 Mar 2016
Expanding Horizon Talk Series: The Rules of Life
Dr. F. T. Chan, based on the book "The Rules of Life" and his own life experience, will share his thoughts on how we can live a happier and more successful life. You may be able to find some simple rules that work for you in a big way.
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22 Jan 2016
Expanding Horizon Talk Series: 一個需要英雄的年代
廿一世紀是一個充滿挑戰的世紀。 非凡的時代需要非凡的人物。 你願意加入伸張公義和重建世界秩序的英雄行列嗎?
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21 Jan 2016
Career Development Workshop 2016
好消息!HKU SPACE邀請了4位業界代表與同學分享Interview 及 寫Resume技巧。應屆畢業生可把握最後機會,增加求職競爭力。 [截止報名:1月11日] RSVP: shirley@faaa.org.hk / charles_ngwaicheong@yahoo.com.hk
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25 Nov 2015
Expanding Horizon Talk Series: 怎樣投身文化創意產業的工作?
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20 Nov 2015
SDCS Career Talk : Cathy Pacific - Cadet Pilot Programme
Let your passion fly! If you dream of taking to the skies, it's time to realise your ambition. As a Cadet Pilot, you'll be part of a diverse team of people who are dedicated to enhancing one of the world's leading airlines. Come and learn more about by registering online at http://cc.hkuspace.hku.hk/~sdcs on or before 18 Nov 2015.
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20 Nov 2015
IC Talk by Local Band Supper Moment: What Draws Screams from our Youth?
"Supper Moment" of which the band’s name refers to cherishing the simple times with family and friends, reflects the feeling of many Hongkongers of being increasingly overwhelmed by the pace of our city. Their songs are channelling the zeitgeist of the city’s youth in both their sound and themes and to encourage people to think, rather than just giving the answers.
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29 May 2015
SDCS Career Talk : Cathy Pacific - Cadet Pilot Programme
Let your passion fly! If you dream of taking to the skies, it's time to realise your ambition. As a Cadet Pilot, you'll be part of a diverse team of people who are dedicated to enhancing one of the world's leading airlines. Come and learn more about by registering online at http://cc.hkuspace.hku.hk/~sdcs on or before 18 Nov 2015.
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18 Apr 2015
Social Mobility of Young People after OC
Speakers include experienced HR advisor Armstrong Lee, social affairs commentator Yau Ching-Yuen, and Roundtable Community's Danny Tsui.
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21 Mar 2015
曹星如 激戰人生分享會 2015
擁有「神奇小子」之稱的曹星如 (Rex) 為香港首位及唯一一位職業拳手。Rex及其團隊致力推動本地拳擊運動,同時亦希望藉著他於擂台上的成續及其健康形象,為年輕一代帶來正面影響。
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19 Mar 2015
塵話過x爵爵: 網絡創作講不停分享會 2015
隨著各種流動裝置的普及,任何人都可以隨時在網上發佈及分享個人作品,造就了不少優秀的創作人。IC 邀請著名網絡插畫家 Rap Chan、爵爵及貓叔與同學分享創作心得。
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26 Nov 2014
Expanding Horizon Talk Series: What I wish I knew when I was 20 by Dr. Chan Fun Ting
“I do not know what goals you want to achieve. I do know some useful tips that may help you achieving your goals.” The objective of Dr. F. T. Chan’s talk is to share with you some tips that you may find useful in your study and future development. In addition to sharing his thought and experience, Dr. Chan will introduce to you some inspiring ideas that he read from Prof. Tina Seelig’s book “What I wish I knew when I was 20”.
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27 Oct 2014
Expanding Horizon Talk Series: Global Justice by Dr. Eddy Lee
「 抗爭是硬道理—全球公民起義宣言」講者李偉才博士,筆名李逆熵,1985年香港十大傑出青年及香港著名科普作家。曾任香港太空館助理館長、香港天文台高級科學主任及香港大學國際學位課程中心總監。
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10 Jun 2014
Expanding Horizon Talk Series: Achieving Excellence: Case from Sport by Hui Wai Sum, Vincci
Vincci, a member of the Hong Kong triathlon team and the second runner-up at the 2010 YOG Qualifying Race in South Korea, shared her experience with IC students.
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26 Apr 2014
Distinguished Talk by His Eminence the 9th Neytrul Rinpoche, Bhutan
As Professor of Buddhism studies, Rinpoche is well learned and has an in-depth knowledge and understanding of Buddhist philosophy and practices.
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28 Feb 2014
Expanding Horizon Talk Series: 如何打造音樂創意產業?
透過講座探討一些成功的例子如:通利琴行有限公司創辦人李子文先生如何從對 音樂不大認識,到建立了一個音樂創意產業王國。
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11 Oct 2013
Media & Cultural Studies Talk Series 最憎人無創意 by Mr. Cheung Tan-shui (鄭丹瑞先生)
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4 Oct 2013
Expanding Horizon Talk Series: 資本的衝動 - 現代文明的秘密 by Dr. Eddie Lee