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Student Activities

  • 20 Apr 2022
    Expanding Horizon Series #4 – Beewax Lip Balm Workshop 蜂蠟唇膏工作坊
    Are you worry about your dry and chapped lips? Beeswax lip balm can help you! Beeswax is a common natural ingredient in lip balm to moisturize your lips, prevent the UV rays of the sun, and has a pleasant taste and smell. You could make your own beeswax lip balms via the workshop held by the Hong Kong Federation of Women’s Centre to keep your lips hydrated. Grab the chance, enroll at Learner Portal now! 因為乾裂的嘴唇而感到焦躁不安?蜂蠟唇膏可以幫到你! 蜂蠟是一種天然的物料,在唇膏裡常用作滋潤嘴唇﹑防止紫外線照射和散發宜人香味。 香港婦女中心協會會在工作坊分享製造蜂蠟唇膏的方法,屆時你可以做出屬於自己的蜂蠟唇膏保持嘴唇滋潤。 好好把握這次機會,在Learner Portal報名吧!
  • 18 Nov 2021
    Expanding Horizon Series #3 – Hoi Ha Wan Eco Tour 海下灣生態遊
    遠離繁忙的都市,探索一下海下灣海岸公園內多采多姿的珊瑚生態,以及全球海洋正面對的嚴重威脅。 參加這個生態遊,你可以走進香港首個海岸公園-海下灣海岸公園,參觀全港唯一一個建於水上的海洋研究及教育中心;你除可了解海洋所提供的生態服務及海洋保護區(MPA)的重要性,你還可以登上玻璃底船,觀賞這片珍貴水域的珊瑚及海洋生物。 立即登入Learner Portal報名!
  • 11 Oct 2021
    同學們即將畢業, 你們有以下疑問嗎? “修讀科目對搵工有局限?” “畢業後前路茫茫……” “搵工tips?”| “讀完公關同傳訊可以搵咩工?” IC這個年度邀得CC校友劉立紅女士 (Ms. Red Lau) 來臨為IC和CC學生舉行一個分享會。在這個分享會,Red會分享她讀書時的校園生活,以及她畢業後的工作點滴,以至她現在創業時遇到的挑戰等等。以下是Red的個人簡介︰ 劉立紅女士於2007年入讀香港大學附屬學院(CC)公關及企業傳訊高級文憑,2012年於香港理工大學市場學學系畢業。2014年創辦個人企業黃芥末廣告及市場策劃有限公司,專注為客戶度身訂造創意營銷策略,透過品牌本身的設計、功能、創意,以及後期精緻專業的包裝,給顧客煥然一新的驚喜,將品牌的細心程度提升至極致。
  • Expanding Horizon Series #1 – Mindful Macrame Workshop 繩結靈修工作坊
    13 Sep 2021
    Expanding Horizon Series #1 – Mindful Macrame Workshop 繩結靈修工作坊
    Macrame is a kind of handicraft that uses knotting techniques to create decorative textiles. It is believed that it was originated from the 13th-century Arab weavers. It was then being introduced to Europe and became a popular handcraft in Victorian England where various kinds of decorations had been created. In this workshop, you will learn to make Macrame in a mindful way! It enables you not only letting go of distracting thoughts to relax your mind but also having fun and healing experience at the same time. Activity rundown: 1. Introduction of mindfulness & mindful breathing experience 2. Learning macrame techniques & making macrame accessory 3. Mindful breathing & Conclusion Enroll at Learner Portal Now. 繩結編織是一種不用任何鈎針工具,只用雙手,重複打結的編織工藝。據說是源自十三世紀阿拉伯編織匠。傳入歐洲後,於英國維多利亞時期最為流行,更發展出多樣化的生活裝飾品。 在這個工作坊, 你可以學習編織同時修練靈性。當專注編織繩結時,可讓我們安靜下來,放下雜念,從而放鬆心神,享受編織的樂趣及療癒的時光。 活動流程: 1. 靜觀簡介及靜觀呼吸體驗 2. 學習編織技巧並編織繩結飾物 3. 靜觀呼吸及總結 同學可於Learner Portal 報名。
  • Expanding Horizon Series #2: Chinese Herbal Sachet Workshop 中藥香囊工作坊
    17 March 2021
    Expanding Horizon Series #2: Chinese Herbal Sachet Workshop 中藥香囊工作坊
    Expanding Horizon Series #2 Chinese Herbal Sachet Workshop 中藥香囊工作坊 Speaker: Dr. Cheung Kwan Sheung, Head of Chinese Medicine Clinics & Pharmacy Date: 13 Apr 2021 (Tue) Time: 3:00-4:00pm Venue: ADC202 Fee: Free Details: A. – Introduction of Chinese Medicine in the sachet B. – Funny facts of Chinese Medicine Registration: Student can register on Learner Portal or at IC counter CC & IC students are welcome Participants will have a chance to visit the Chinese Medicine Dispensary at ADC Participants could get a Chinese Medicine Sachet for free!
  • Expanding Horizon Series #1: Coffee 3D Art Workshop 咖啡3D拉花工作坊
    2 Mar 2021
    Expanding Horizon Series #1: Coffee 3D Art Workshop 咖啡3D拉花工作坊
    When you order a latte in a coffee shop and it comes one with a super cute 3D teddy bear on it, will it visually impress you before drinking it? You could have a chance to try doing Latte Art by yourself now!  Coffee Public Ltd will share with us some basic knowledge of Coffee Art and some 3D Latte Art skills.  Participants can learn how to make an espresso and create a 3D figure in one time! Enroll at Learner Portal / IC Counter now. 大家到咖啡廳點咖啡的時候,如果送來的是一杯有立體拉花小熊的咖啡,你定必會首先在視覺上留下印象吧? 您現在有機會自己親手試試做立體拉花了! Coffee Public Ltd會與我們分享咖啡藝術的基本知識和一些立體拉花的技巧∘學員可以一次過嚐試做咖啡和製作立體人物! 同學可於Learner Portal 或IC counter 報名
  • 10 Nov 2020
    嘉賓分享會︰「疫」境下如何 “Jon” 備自己?
    WHIZOO網絡主播 Jonathan Cheung (Jon Jon) 在社會薄有名氣,從幕前演出,到幕後撰稿,他都付出了不少努力。得到別人欣賞的同時,也要面對網民的抨擊。 而在求學路上,Jon Jon也幾經波折,被踢出校、考過兩次公開試、先入讀副學士,再升上大學。人生面對著諸多挑戰,他如何改變自己?在疫情期間,他如何面對工作上的挑戰或者機遇?
  • 13 Mar 2020
    Cancelled - Expanding Horizon Series 4 – Beer Crash Course 精釀啤酒體驗坊
    活動將會取消,感謝同學支持 The activity will be cancelled, thank you very much for your support
  • 20 Feb 2020
    Cancelled - Expanding Horizon Series 3 – Arts Therapy Workshop 藝術治療工作坊
    活動將會取消,感謝同學支持 The activity will be cancelled, thank you very much for your support
  • 4 Nov 2019
    Reschedule - IC English Workshops 2019/20 - Series I, II, III & IV
    In view of students needed, IC has been organizing workshops to support and enhance their use of English in study. This year the workshops are further divided up into 4 series to better meet the different individual backgrounds of our students. Workshops are conducted in an interactive and relaxing environment so as to encourage students to learn and improve their English enjoyably.
  • 25 Oct 2019 (Fri)
    Expanding Horizon Series 1 – Hand Drip Coffee Workshop 虹吸壼及手沖咖啡興趣班
    什麼是手沖咖啡? 最近幾年,手沖咖啡慢慢開始流行起來。在各式咖啡機遍地開花的時代,器具簡單、講究手感技巧的手沖咖啡儼然是一股返璞歸真的清流,讓眾多咖啡行家和生活達人都為之著迷。手沖咖啡為什麼迷人?一杯好的手沖咖啡關鍵是什麼? Manual coffee-making methods are becoming an increasingly popular option for home enthusiasts and coffee shop baristas alike. So, what is hand drip coffee? How do you make good hand drip coffee?
  • 10 Oct 2019
    HKU SPACE Notebook Ownership Programme 2019 學生會手提電腦教學優惠計劃
    2019 HKU SPACE學生會手提電腦教學優惠計劃將於10月10日至12日 (星期四至六) 於統一中心學生休息室舉行校內展覽會,供HKUSPACE學生及職員以教學優惠價購買手提電腦。
  • 18 Apr 2019 (Thu)
    Expanding Horizon Series#5 敢創敢夢 - 數碼港培育計劃
  • 19 Mar 2019 (Tue)
    Expanding Horizon Series#3 共創空間 - 走進南豐紗廠
    近年隨着初創企業的興起,共享空間逐漸流行。南豐紗廠 (The Mills) 剛完成活化並化身成為集創新科技、文化、藝術和學習體驗於一身的共創空間。現誠邀大家一起走進南豐紗廠,了解它的背景及如何培育初創企業,還可以參與手作工作坊。費用全免,萬勿錯過今次機會!
  • 14 Feb-21 Mar 2019
    IC English Workshops 2018/19 - Series II, III & IV
    IC has been organizing workshops to support and enhance their use of English in study. This year the workshops are further divided up into 4 series to better meet the different individual backgrounds of our students.
  • 11 Feb 2019 (Mon)
    Expanding Horizon Series#2 Design Thinking
    Get started with design thinking! Learn the basics in our design thinking workshop, use some of the most effective tools and techniques to DESIGN your concepts.
  • 15 Oct 2018 (Mon)
    Expanding Horizon Series#1 Sex work as work...?
    Talking about Hong Kong’s sex industry in the localised context, our special speaker Cherry provides an insider’s perspective on the debate of prostitution/sex work.
  • 19 Mar 2018 (Mon)
    Expanding Horizon Series#6 Beyond Men and Women: Transcending Gender Boundaries in our everydayness
    Starting from basic concepts on gender, sex and sexuality, our special speaker explore struggles in living up to gender rules set by our contemporary society with his own experiences. Providing an extra dimension to think beyond.
  • 7 Feb 2018
    IC Volunteer New Era [IC義工新紀元]
    義工與進修,兩者兼得!IC現與「社職」合作,並獲得Google HK支持。同學凡參加學院的義工計劃,就有機會免費接受Google AdWords認證培訓!
  • 23 Jan 2018 (Tue)
    Expanding Horizon Series#5 Entrepreneurship Interactive Forum: How to realize my dream? [哪一天我們會飛]
    A chance not to miss! Our next session of Expanding Horizon Series will be an “Entrepreneurship Interactive Forum”. Young university entrepreneurs of your age comes to tell you to how to make dreams come true.
  • 17 Jan- 26 Mar 2018
    IC English Workshops 2017/18 - Series III & IV
    IC has been organizing workshops to support and enhance their use of English in study. This year the workshops are further divided up into 4 series to better meet the different individual backgrounds of our students.
  • 6 Dec 2017 (Wed)
    Expanding Horizon Series#4&5 (擴闊視野系列#4 & 5) –Entrepreneurship Series Workshops
    A chance not to miss! Our next two Expanding Horizon Series will be “Entrepreneurship Workshops Series”. It’s all about the experience of how to start your business and get advices and inspiration form young entrepreneurs of your age.
  • 23 Nov 2017
    Expanding Horizon Series#3 (擴闊視野系列#3) – 出走旅行: 旅行教曉我的是。。。。。。
  • 1 Nov 2017 (Wed)
    Expanding Horizon Series#2 (擴闊視野系列#2) – Professional Image Development Workshop
    “Professional Image Development Workshop” is a very practical and useful workshop to your career. It’s all about building up one’s impression on people which will affect offering of job, building up of relationship and further cooperation.
  • 1 Nov- 6 Dec 2017
    IC English Workshops 2017/18 - Series I & II
    IC has been organizing workshops to support and enhance their use of English in study. This year the workshops are further divided up into 4 series to better meet the different individual backgrounds of our students.
  • 10 Oct 2017
    Expanding Horizon Series#1 (擴闊視野系列#1) – 思考現實、理想與人生by牧羊少年
  • 10- 23 Apr 2018
    IC English Clinic - 2017/18
    A brand new service-English Clinic to all its students. This is a FREE one-to one consultation service on anything about English.
  • 9-11 Sep 2017
    ICSU OCamp 2017
    ICSU 為新同學度身訂造了一個難忘的O Camp。IC 新生可藉此機會認識到來自不同學科的同學,一起快樂地度過2日1夜,留下美好回憶。
  • 6 Sep 2017
    ICSU O Day O Night
    踏入新校園生活,想開學前認識新朋友,又想預先了解IC校園生活? IC SU 將於9月6日舉行 O DAY O NIGHT ,讓您率先認識IC,費用全免!
  • 9 - 18 Jun 2017
    HKU SPACE X Middlesex University IDEA設計系畢業展2017
    HKU SPACE X Middlesex University將於6月9日至6月18於HKU SPACE九龍東分校舉行第十屆設計系畢業展,以「Everything starts with an IDEA」為主題,來自約70名室內建築(榮譽)文學士、平面設計(榮譽)文學士、室內設計高級文憑及視像傳意高級文憑課程的畢業生,展示他們設計的學習成果。本屆畢業展歡迎有興趣之人士到場參觀,費用全免。
  • 25 - 26 May 2017
    SDCS : Career Festival 2017
    The annual “Career Festival 2017” event will be held on 25-26 May in Admiralty Learning Centre. The 2 days event consists of Career Preparation Workshops, including CV and Cover Letter Writing and Job Interview Skills. Also, Student Development and Counselling Services (SDCS) invited 3 valuable companies, Cathay Dragon, Standard Chartered Bank and H&M to conduct Career Talks to share their current hiring information.
  • 19 Apr 2017
    Expanding Horizon Series: Wine Appreciation Workshop
    Enjoy wine together!
  • 16 Apr 2017
    Singing Contest 2017
    Singing Contest is one of the most popular student-led events of the year.
  • 20-24 March 2017
    Event Society 5th Mega Sale手作市集 The Circus
    Come to visit the colorful and delightful Mega Sale “The Circus”!
  • 15 Mar 2017
    Athletics Meets 2017
    Athletics Meets, annually held at HKU Stanley Ho Sports Centre, is an occasion where our academic and administrative staff join hands with students for fun and health.
  • 13 Mar 2017
    Expanding Horizon Series: Romantic Germany: a taste of good food and interesting cultures
    Romance of German: enjoy it through cultures and cuisines. There is more than BEER! Come and enjoy how romantic in Germany!
  • Mega Sale 尋檔主
    08-10 Mar 2017
    Mega Sale 尋檔主
  • 25 Feb - 20 May 2017
    Academic Writing Workshop (Feb - May 2017)
    Want to enhance your English? Let’s learn and improve your English in an interactive and relaxed environment during the Workshop!
  • Expanding Horizon Series: 音樂 • 生活 • 社會 • 前進
    8 Feb 2017
    Expanding Horizon Series: 音樂 • 生活 • 社會 • 前進
  • Expanding Horizon Series: “Semper Paratus (Always Ready)” –Government Flying Service in Action
    11 Jan 2017
    Expanding Horizon Series: “Semper Paratus (Always Ready)” –Government Flying Service in Action
    Government Flying Service (GFS): What are its operations? Who does it reported to? How can I join? Can I receive training from them? Stories and experiences from a former Air Traffic Controller.
  • Expanding Horizon Series: 升級再造工作坊: 綠色手皂~「油」你做起
    7 Dec 2016
    Expanding Horizon Series: 升級再造工作坊: 綠色手皂~「油」你做起
  • Expanding Horizon Series: The Rules of Work
    15 Nov 2016
    Expanding Horizon Series: The Rules of Work
    Referring to Richard Templar's book "The Rules of Work“, Dr. F. T. Chan will share his experience and thought on some important rules that contribute to a happier working life and more fruitful career development.
  • Expanding Horizon Series: 主場觸覺
    2 Nov 2016
    Expanding Horizon Series: 主場觸覺
    港台主持 講傳媒、講理念、講人生
  • Expanding Horizon Series: 本土意識與國際視野
    14 Oct 2016
    Expanding Horizon Series: 本土意識與國際視野
    今年立法會選舉,本土派崛起,年輕政治家輩出。 本土VS國際 這跟我們在港修讀外國院校的學生有什麼關係?讓前學院總監李偉才博士來為我們解讀。
  • 3-7 Jun 2016
    HKU SPACE & Middlesex University Graduation Show 2016
    The opening Ceremony was held on 3 June 2016 (Fri) 18:30 at HKU SPACE Community College, Kowloon Bay.
  • 25 - 27 May 2016
    SDCS : Career Fair 2016
    SDCS Career Fair 2016 from 25 - 27 May 2016 at 3/F, Admiralty Centre 同學尋找Full-time、 Part-time 或暑期工,5月25-27日Career Fair 將會有有多間大型機構在ADC(海富中心)進行招聘。部分機構更會即場面試。 另外,一份好履歷表(CV )可提升獲得面試的機會! 即將畢業同學趁放暑假前,參加SDCS 為大家安排的CV Clinic,可透過人力資源顧問了解履歷表需要改進的地方,為求職做好準備。 有關更多詳情,可瀏覽SDCS 網頁:
  • 13 & 29 Apr 2016
    Expanding Horizon Workshop: Wine Tasting
    Students will learn how to taste the wines and deepen their appreciation for wines and winemakers.
  • Apr - Aug 2016
    SDCS : Work and Travel USA Program (WATUSA) 2016
    Did you think about working and traveling in overseas? You can make it possible to explore life in USA with maximum freedom at minimum cost. You can apply before the application deadline : 31 Mar 2016.
  • 16 Mar 2016
    Athletics Meets 2016
    Athletics Meets, annually held at HKU Stanley Ho Sports Centre, is an occasion where our academic and administrative staff join hands with students for fun and health.
  • 11 Mar 2016
    插畫工作坊 – 體驗篇 (主講嘉賓:爵爵&貓叔)
    唔識插畫?其實亂畫畫都可以係藝術嘅一部分。 著名網絡插畫家爵爵同貓叔將會嚟HKU SPACE 分享插畫創作嘅心得同技巧。
  • 22 Feb 2016
    SDCS : Overseas Summer Program 2016
    Did you think about to visit Vancouver for enriching yourself? You can join this Global Career Development Programme(GIC) for 5 weeks. You may refer the poster for getting to know more information about this program.
  • 8 Jan - 12 Feb 2016
    SDCS : MBTI Personality Test
    Sem 2 即將開始,同學為畢業後的出路準備好未?若然同學感到前路茫茫可以到SDCS website報名做MBTI test,加深對自己的了解,從而訂立適合自己的就業方向。 [截止報名: 2月12日]
  • 14 Nov -5 Dec 2015
    SDCS Making Good Choices : Career Preparation Workshops 2015
    Do you want to participate in the free career workshops run by Experienced Management Executives and HR professionals from renowned companies in the business sectors on CV and cover letter preparation, grooming and workplace etiquette and mock job interview? Professional volunteers are joining Charitable Choice to share their field experience with the aim to enhance your readiness and confidence for attaining employment.
  • 3-11 Nov 2015
    SDCS Workshop : Mastering Your Job Applicatiobn Writing and Job Interview Skills
    Have you ever asked how to create an outstanding resume and convincing cover letter? or how to prepare for an interview and get a job offer? There are 3 session in 3 different location. Come and join by register via SDCS website :
  • Community Service Team - Training Daycamp
    31 Oct 2015
    Community Service Team - Training Daycamp
    Student Development and Counselling Services (SDCS) unit organises training programmes and recruit students for community services regularly.
  • Oct 2015
    SDCS : Career Consultation
    A one to one career consultation session will be offered to our IC students in October 2015. You are welcome to discuss and share your career concerns with our Career Adviser in every Thursday in October.
  • Sep - Nov 2015
    SDCS : Community Service
    Aims at training IC student leaders to serve the needy in the community and look for passionate and committed students to join.
  • 22 Jul - 23 Sep 2015
    Life Experience in Japan
    The ltoen Hotel offers a summer programme for those who are interested in Japanese culture to have the life experience in Japan. (Application Deadline: 12 June 2015)
  • 10 Jul 2015
    The 8th High Table Dinner
    The 8th High Table Dinner was held on Friday, 10 July, 2015 at Renaissance Harbour View Hotel Hong Kong with Guest Speaker: Mr. Ronnie Cheng.
  • 12 Jun 2015
    ICSU Sports Festival 2015 3-on-3 Basketball Competition
    Student Union of IC organises the "3-on-3 basketball Competition", open to both IC and Community College students.
  • 11-14 Jun 2015
    AIESCE "Youth To Sustainability Summit"
    IC is pleased to sponsor 10 full-time undergraduate students in the Centre to participate the AIESEC "Youth Sustainability Summit 2015".
  • 5-7 Jun 2015
    HKU SPACE & Middlesex University Graduation Show 2015
    "釀而生 生而成形 不在乎好壞 只在乎一種過程"
  • 20 Apr 2015
    Mega Sale 2015
    Mega Sale is organised every year by IC students, who turned the lecture room into a shopping venue. If you like a bargain, you will love this event.
  • 27 Mar 2015
    Serves with Heart - Community Service Team - Time Lapse game
    Student Development and Counselling Services (SDCS) unit organises training programmes and recruit students for community services regularly.
  • 17-18 Mar 2015
    Serves with Heart - Community Service Team - Training Camp
    Student Development and Counselling Services (SDCS) unit organises training programmes and recruit students for community services regularly.
  • 16 Mar 2015
    Singing Contest 2015
    Singing Contest is one of the most popular student-led events of the year.
  • 12 Mar 2015
    Athletics Meets 2015
    Athletics Meets, annually held at HKU Stanley Ho Sports Centre, is an occasion where our academic and administrative staff join hands with students for fun and health.
  • 12 Feb 2015
    Students take the opportunity of Chinese New Year to make a wish for a good year ahead as well as for good academic results.
  • 8 Dec 2014
    SDCS Workshop: Persuasive Communication for WIN-Win Leaders
    Student Development and Counselling Services (SDCS) unit organises job hunting workshops, career seminars, recruitment talks as well as company visits for students.
  • 1 Nov 2014
    SDCS Workshop: Mastering Job Application Writing and Interview Skills
    Student Development and Counselling Services (SDCS) unit organises job hunting workshops, career seminars, recruitment talks as well as company visits for students.
  • 14-16 Sep 2014
    Orientation Camp 2014
    The orientation camp organised by Student Union of IC present new students with wonderful and interesting opportunities for ice-breaking and getting to know more about IC.
  • 20 Jul 2014
    The 7th High Table Dinner
    The 7th High Table Dinner will be held on Friday, 20 July, 2015 at Lik Yau Hall with Guest Speaker: Mr. Lam Wai Chun.
  • 6 Jun 2014
    HKU SPACE & Middlesex University Graduation Show 2014 “2014 A SPACE ODYSSEY - Plan B”
    The opening Ceremony was held on 6 June 2014 (Fri) 18:30 at InnoCentre, Kowloon Tong.
  • 23-25 Apr 2014
    Mega Sale 2014
    Mega Sale is organised every year by IC students, who turned the lecture room into a shopping venue. If you like a bargain, you will love this event.
  • 27 Mar 2014
    Love Food Hate Waste
    Student Development and Counselling Services (SDCS) unit organises training programmes and recruit students for community services regularly.
  • 26-28 Mar 2014
    Video and Photo Exhibition: “I Walk Therefore I Shoot”「我行我攝」
    An exhibition shows the art pieces created by the lecturers and students from Arts. Media and Culture programmes.
  • 14 Mar 2014
    Athletics Meets 2014
    Athletics Meets, annually held at HKU Stanley Ho Sports Centre, is an occasion where our academic and administrative staff join hands with students for fun and health.
  • 11 Mar 2014
    Singing Contest 2014
    Singing Contest is one of the most popular student-led events of the year.
  • 26 Feb 2014
    Serve with Heart@ Food Angel
    Student Development and Counselling Services (SDCS) unit organises training programmes and recruit students for community services regularly.
  • 16 Dec 2013
    Christmas Party 2013
    Students came together and celebrated Christmas.
  • 29 Sep 2013
    Orientation Camp 2013
    The orientation camp organised by Student Union of IC present new students with wonderful and interesting opportunities for ice-breaking and getting to know more about IC.
  • 6 Sep 2013
    Welcome Day 2013
    Welcome to IC! New students will meet new faces, and get to know the useful and necessary information related to your study at the Welcome Day.